“Thriving Together: We Are One”
SatURDAY, JUNE 15, 2024
Halloran Centre for Performing Arts and Education

Keynote Speaker
Val Butler Demings
Former U.S. Congresswoman
Join The Fight For Justice
Ending the inhumane and unjustified trauma of police violence against Black Americans is going to take more than what we’ve seen from people in power. Today there is not a single federal law on the books addressing police violence. Failing to act now means writing another obituary. We need real legislative action now so no one experiences this kind of horrific violence at the hands of law enforcement ever again. Step up with a gift that reflects your commitment to democracy.
Tips on Weatherization and Energy Efficiency for your Home
NAACP Memphis Branch
Welcome to the NAACP Memphis Branch website. As one of the oldest and largest branches in the NAACP organization, we take pride in the work we have accomplished on behalf of our membership in the last 100 years. However, we still need to increase our numbers and relevance in the upcoming 100 years, and we can only do that through you. Become a member and join us in the civil rights fight. Much has to be done before discrimination and inequity for people of color will be no more. Regardless of your age, join us now!
© 2024. NAACP Memphis Branch. All Rights Reserved
588 Vance Ave. | Memphis, TN 38126
[email protected]